Digital Training for Local Preachers and Worship Leaders

This short 3-week course is an introduction to how Local Preachers and Worship Leaders can develop their digital skills and become more confident about their role in a digital world.

  • Week 1: What’s digital got to do with me?
  • Week 2: Going digital in worship (including using images and videos in PowerPoint, inclusive designs and recorded music etc.
  • Week 3: Developing online prayer and worship on social media.

Sign up for either the morning, afternoon or evening sessions:

  • Wednesday afternoons 2pm – 3.30pm; Nov 1, 8, 15
  • Tuesday evenings 7pm- 8.30pm;  Nov 14, 21, 28
  • Friday mornings 10.30am – 12 noon;  Nov 10, 17, 24

Worship we bring you

Saturday 21st August, 9.30am-1pm

An online gathering for all in the Scotland and Shetland region who would like to become involved in worship leading and preaching in new ways or refresh their experience. Following up the strategy for worship leading and preaching in our region, we are offering two sessions linked by a period of shared worship. Whether you are experienced or exploring these roles, we invite you to join us for one or more of the sessions as appropriate to you.

Session 1 : Introduction to Worship Leading & Local Preaching, 9:30am – 11:00am Open to any with an interest in finding out more about these roles. Experienced Worship Leaders and Local Preachers also welcome to share in this time reflecting on our roles and sharing our experience with one another.

Link Session: ‘Worship we bring you…’

11:00am – 11:30am A time of worship and prayer for all attending either session.

Session 2: Exploring the roles of Mentor and Tutor, 11:30am – 1:00pm Looking more closely at the Worship: Leading and Preaching course and the roles of mentor and tutor within the training programme. Open to any who are considering offering themselves in either of these roles.

Register here

Local Preaching Taster Day

Feeling that you might be called to preach?
Just curious about what it is that local preachers do and what their training involves?
Already a local preacher and feeling that you would like to encourage others on their way?

Then why not come along to our LOCAL PREACHING TASTER DAY at Paisley Methodist Church?
SATURDAY 24 MAY 10.30am- 3.30pm (Wesley Day)

Find out what becoming a Local Preacher involves, and take time to explore with others the possibility that God might be calling you in this direction. No need to enrol – just turn up. All welcome!

No pressure, no recruiting sergeants, just space to reflect


10.30am: Coffee and time to chat
11am: “Hearing the Call” prayers and reflection with Kathleen Pearson, Local Preacher in Ayrshire and Renfrewshire Circuit
11.45am: “Exploring the barriers”, with Rev Liz Adam, Superintendent of the Ayrshire and Renfrewshire Circuit
12.30pm: Lunch (bring your own packed lunch, hot drinks will be available). There will be an opportunity for those who wish to have private conversation with an experienced preacher
1.30pm: Testimony from Local Preachers
2.15 pm: “What happens if I say yes?” What the training involves – an introduction to the process and course materials, with Rev Chris Foxon, Local Preacher Tutor and Minister in the Glasgow Circuit
3pm: Closing worship

Report of LP/WL District Weekend 2013

Annual District Weekend Conference – 2-3rd February 2013
Apologetics? – It’s Alpha Plus, Exploring what we believe and why!

This was the programme presented to the 30 interested Local Preachers & Worship Leaders earlier this year as for the second year running the Annual District LP/WL Weekend Conference was held at Tulliallan Police College, Kincardine.  Our facilitator and speaker was the Rev Gerald Bostock, a retired Methodist minister, who together with John Sawkins, a local preacher in Edinburgh & Forth Circuit, produced the weekend programme. Sadly, John was unable to join us at the weekend owing to a family bereavement.

During the four sessions, Gerald challenged us to think about what our faith means to us and how we vocalise that to others.  We looked at various issues which effectively block our ability to express our faith such as the failure to recognise there is a problem; the danger of inadequate, bad or poor theology; and the problem of social and organisational discord.  We encountered real life conversations in a drama which helped us to understand some of the difficulties people often experience when asked about their view on religion.  Further role play involving a Spiritualist, a Humanist and a Christian gave differing perspectives on basis of belief and views of life after death. Needless to say there followed a great deal of discussion.

We wish to express our sincere thanks to Gerald and John for providing us with a valuable tool in our ministry – the realisation of the importance of having the freedom to question, discuss and debate our various views and opinions. It is surely only in this way that we can formalise and clarify our own thoughts as we forge a way through the veritable minefield of information out there.

We were also grateful for the husband and wife team of Ian and Valerie Paget who provided such an enjoyable Saturday evening session of praise and prayer (with special thanks to Valerie for the creative dance routine).

Download a  more detailed report.

Local Preachers and Worship Leaders Weekend 2013

2-3rd Feb 2013

Last year was the first time at Tulliallan Police College which provides training and conference rooms together with residential facilities – single rooms with en suite.  Though there were some initial concerns most felt the facilities provided at Tulliallan Castle were first-rate.  The venue for next and suggestions for the weekend focus will be discussed during the business meeting this year.

Scottish Police College, Tulliallan Castle, Kincardine, Fife, FK10 4BE
Situated in 90 acres of parkland on the outskirts of the village of Kincardine-on-Forth, the College enjoys a central location within the Central Lowlands of Scotland and is well-served by a good motorway and trunk road network and the M876 terminates within 2 miles of the College.   The nearest railway stations are in Falkirk, seven miles away, and both Edinburgh & Glasgow airports are less than an hour’s travelling time from the College. Car parking is available within the College grounds.

Apologetics? – It’s Alpha Plus!

Exploring what we believe and why

Lead by Gerald Bostock and John Sawkins

Session 1:  What is being asked of us?

Session 2:  Why is it hard but worth it?

Session 3:  Real-life conversations

Session 4:  The way forward

Together we will be looking at how we, as local preachers and worship leaders, think about and talk about our faith and make the case for Christianity where we live and work.  Gerald and John will be asking us questions like: How do we make the case for Christianity today?  What questions do people ask?  Why do we find it hard to answer them and why should we try?  How do we put theory into practice and how can this equip us better for mission?

Gerald Bostock is now retired and stays in Perth.  He served as a Methodist minister for many years including 8 years as a minister and Methodist University Chaplain in Edinburgh and 8 years as the Superintendent minister in Aberdeen.  His particular interests are Origen of Alexandria and the early Church, including the Celtic Church, and has recently developed a concern for apologetics as an essential aspect of the mission of the Church in contemporary Britain.

John Sawkins works at Heriot-Watt University and is a local preacher in the Edinburgh and Forth Circuit.  He is a ‘Breakout’ (Sunday School) leader at the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church and through this work, has developed an interest in trying to come up with answers to the tricky questions posed by the young people!

Saturday Evening Fellowship

Last year many expressed their pleasure at the Saturday evening time of fellowship, song and story led by Casey & Ken Weatherford.  This year there will be an opportunity to once again bring your own food to share in the Saturday evening fellowship led by Valerie and Ian Paget.

Ian is a qualified PE Teacher and has a degree in Pastoral Ministry.  He has worked as a Pastor in both Canada and Scotland and is currently working with Scripture Union in an Associate Worker Scheme called Colt which involves him working in schools in the Clackmannanshire Area.  Ian is a gifted worship leader who has written many worship songs and has recorded two albums.

Valerie, Ian’s wife, is a qualified radiographer working in the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre.  She leads worship with Ian and especially enjoys leading kids’ worship.  Valerie is also gifted in creative dance in worship.


This is the one time in the year when all those involved in leading worship and preaching the Gospel across the District can meet for fellowship. We usually have representation from all Circuits and it is a good opportunity to ‘compare notes’, pick up ideas and see how we may try different things.

The Weekend is open to all Ministers (Presbyteral and Diaconal), Local Preachers and Worship Leaders and you are welcome whether you are just starting out, or are an ‘old hand’!

Booking forms went out with the Winter newsletter; if you didn’t receive one and would like one please get in contact with Hilary.  Forms should be returned together with the relevant deposit as soon as possible.

Local Preachers & Worship Leaders Report 2012

District Joint LP/WL Secretary : It is now one year since Lyn Smalridge stepped down and Hilary Henderson took over this shared role with Margaret Brown.  Lyn gave eight faithful years to the role and continues to support our LP’s and WL’s in other ways.  Meanwhile Margaret & Hilary have been getting to know each other, their skills and expertise, to assess how best to share the duties and support the LP/WL Secretaries & Tutors throughout the District.

LP/WL Annual Weekend : The 2012 Weekend was greatly enjoyed by all who were able to attend either the whole weekend or only for a day as Rev Dr Philip Meadows, Lecturer in Missionology and Wesleyan Studies at Cliff College and Coordinator of the Inspire Project of the Methodist Church, presented and led the lively and interesting sessions on Wesleyan DNA. We are grateful for the financial support of the District Advance Fund for subsidising the costs.

District LP/WL Secretaries & Tutors Annual Meeting : 9 June 2012 This was the first time that Scotland District had been represented and both Margaret & Hilary were honoured to take the train to Methodist Church House in London to meet other District representatives.  Both felt it to be a very profitable meeting with discussions on the Fruitful Field Report and what was happening in various Districts as well as a very helpful conversation on the role and use of Worship Leaders.  A representative from LWPT was also there to give a history of the Trust and encourage congregations to take a retiring collection in aid of their funds.  Needless to say, Margaret & Hilary are looking forward to returning to London for the 2013 meeting.

Scotland District LP/WL Secy & Tutors Spring Meeting : The planned meeting on 12 May 2012 did not take place as it was felt important to concentrate on gathering more information on the Fruitful Field Project and the One Circuit consultation to bring to the autumn meeting.  Known Current Statistics for Scotland District’s 8 Circuits are: 99 accredited Local Preachers; 12 LPs in training and 47 Worship Leaders.  (Please note that these may no longer be correct at time of going to print.)

We continue to be grateful and offer prayers for the committed, faithful service of our LPs & WLs as they unconditionally commit themselves to the regular provision of strong Christian worship throughout Scotland District and beyond in service to our Lord Jesus Christ and to the glory of God

Resources: All LPs & WLs are regularly kept informed by twice yearly Newsletters (electronic and paper) produced by Margaret with the support of Fiona Inglis at the District Office who provides the printing and collating.  As well as a good resource for what’s on around the District, these newsletters include interesting articles, poems, reports and what may be termed ‘sermon fodder’.  Another good resource for LPs & WLs is the Scottish Methodist Website [].

Hilary Henderson & Margaret Brown

District Joint LP/WL & Tutors Secretary