Safeguarding in the District

Welcome to the page for District Safeguarding. This is the place to get information and access resources on Safeguarding.

Our current DSO Jenny Winsley

Safeguarding is about the action the Church takes to promote a safer culture. This means:

  • promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults
  • working to prevent abuse from occurring
  • seeking to protect and respond well to those that have been abused

Our District Safeguarding Officer (DSO) works in partnership with the Circuit and Local Church Safeguarding Officers and is supported by the District Safeguarding Group (DSG). The DSG meet quarterly to support the DSO, advise on policy, practice and training developments within the district.

It is everyone’s responsibility to work together to achieve a safer culture within the work of our Churches and that all feel safe where-ever we gather.

“I am passionate about enabling everyone to understand how to keep themselves and others safe. I am here to assist, support and progress safeguarding to ensure best practice within our churches and their communities. Whatever your questions, thoughts or statements regarding safeguarding are, do not hesitate to contact me.”

In the event that you have any cause for concern in regard to a possible safeguarding issue you should get in contact with Jenny either by telephone or by e-mail as shown below.

Mobile: 07828 200940


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