Worship we bring you

Saturday 21st August, 9.30am-1pm

An online gathering for all in the Scotland and Shetland region who would like to become involved in worship leading and preaching in new ways or refresh their experience. Following up the strategy for worship leading and preaching in our region, we are offering two sessions linked by a period of shared worship. Whether you are experienced or exploring these roles, we invite you to join us for one or more of the sessions as appropriate to you.

Session 1 : Introduction to Worship Leading & Local Preaching, 9:30am – 11:00am Open to any with an interest in finding out more about these roles. Experienced Worship Leaders and Local Preachers also welcome to share in this time reflecting on our roles and sharing our experience with one another.

Link Session: ‘Worship we bring you…’

11:00am – 11:30am A time of worship and prayer for all attending either session.

Session 2: Exploring the roles of Mentor and Tutor, 11:30am – 1:00pm Looking more closely at the Worship: Leading and Preaching course and the roles of mentor and tutor within the training programme. Open to any who are considering offering themselves in either of these roles.

Register here

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