
The Synod is the policy-making court of the District, serving as a link between the Conference and the Connexional Team on the one hand and the Circuits and Local Churches on the other. It shall have oversight of all district affairs. It shall formulate and promote policies, through its various officers and committees, to assist the mission of the Church, to give inspiration to the leaders in the Circuits and to ensure the interrelation of all aspects of the Church’s life throughout the District. It is a forum in which issues of public concern relevant to the witness of the Church may be addressed. The Synod’s business is the work of God in the District, expressed in worship, conversation, formal business, the communication of Conference matters to the Circuits and the submission of memorials to the Conference. Standing Order 412 (3)

The Synod of the Methodist Church in Scotland meets twice yearly, with a representative session in the autumn (including lay and ordained representatives from across the district), and in spring in two sessions (representative and presbyteral). In recent years meetings have been mostly hybrid, with the physical location in spring always being Perth and the autumn session moving around the district.

Synod has many responsibilities as described above, including appointments and elections, and oversight of and sometimes permission-giving for mission and ministry in all its forms in the District. It is also a forum where representatives from across the District can gather, get to know one another, share ideas, experiences and concerns, and find a common identity as The Methodist Church in Scotland.

Reports of past meetings of the Synod, can be found here:

District Policy Committee and District Policies

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