Local Preachers and Worship Leaders

What is a Methodist Local Preacher?

Local preachers are those who have been accredited to preach God’s word and lead God’s people in worship.  Originally, the term local preacher showed the difference between those who stayed in a local area and those who moved around the country as ministers (presbyters).


What is a Worship Leader?

Worship is at the heart of all we do as God’s people.  Worship leaders are appointed trained and commissioned by their Church Council to take a leading and significant role in public worship in their church.  They work alongside the minister or local preacher appointed to lead an act of worship.  Their role may include choosing and leading music and prayers, reading Bible passages or other readings, facilitating dance or drama and any other aspect of worship other than the sermon.

The role of Worship Leaders is an important ministry within the Methodist Church.  Increasing numbers of churches are realising the benefits that worship leaders bring.  They often know their local congregation well and can introduce new creative insights and gifts into worship which are grounded in their local community and shaped by local mission priorities

You will find more information about Local Preachers and Worship Leaders on the Connexional Website

Contact the District WLP Secretaries by email:



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