Learning Network

Lorraine Darlow, National Learning & Development Coordinator 

Email: darlowl@methodistchurch.org.uk
020 7467 5210

Lorraine coordinates the Learning Network across the region, which includes the Districts of Scotland and Shetland. She has a background in inner city ministry particulary among children and young people, families and intergenerational ministry. Her main work areas include mission, local and ordained ministries, coordinating safeguarding training, and facilitating communities of practice across a range of work areas for those in ordained and lay roles.


Richard Knott, Consultant Learning & Development Officer
Email: richard.knott@mail.com
020 7467 5273

Richard currently works part-time with the team. He has a background in children’s youth and family ministry including schools work and is a Godly Play storyteller and trainer. His main areas of work currently include supporting engagement with unconscious bias training, Methodist Way of Life, ministry with children, youth and families, and the Methodist stories project.


Learning network staff can help with your church or circuit learning and development needs, and can devise bespoke training for small groups, congregations and in specialist areas including those listed above.

Details of events led by our team and those available from other regions, as well as connexional events, can be found on the Learning Network calendar

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to keep up to date with all that is happening across the region and the wider connexion.

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