In 2021 the Methodist Conference committed the Church to an ambitious goal – to reach net zero by 2030. That means that in every church, circuit and district we need to reduce the amount of carbon emissions we are creating by making more informed choices about our buildings, energy and travel. This is not just a practical exercise, however, and caring for God’s world is an inherently missional concern. Through these drivers within the Church ‘Action for Hope’ was created which aims to support and resource our journey towards net zero.
The world we live in is God’s creation. We are fortunate enough to be called to look after it, but the world is not for us to use and abuse as we please. By caring for creation we live out our love for God and can learn and grow as disciples through experiencing the wonders of the natural world which God created. Not only that, but this is a justice issue. Those who have done the least to cause climate change are the most affected, and they also often have the least ability to deal with the consequences. As Methodists we place a high importance on social justice, and this is one of the biggest challenges of our times.
This is a very complex issue and every individual and church engages with it in a different way. It is not about blaming ourselves or others, but looking for ways that we can improve and live better in sympathy with God’s creation.
Eco Congregation Scotland is a great place to start on the journey – you can find more information at Christian environmental charity addressing climate change and conservation. (
For information about ways we can make property more suited to net zero mission you can check out Net Zero Carbon (
More information on what is happening throughout the Connexion can be found at Environment and Climate Change (
The Co-ordinator of Action for Hope is Hamish Leese and, although he is part of the national Connexional Team, he lives and works in Falkirk. If you have questions about how your church or circuit can progress towards net zero he would be happy to hear from you –