Evangelism & Growth Resources and Opportunities

Connexional Evangelism and Growth Strategy Foundations Welcomed at Conference

Since autumn 2018, the new Evangelism and Growth team has led 75 consultations in every region of the Church – the first phase of its work to inspire, architect, and embed a contextual, coherent, and coordinated Connexional Strategy for Evangelism and Growth. Those consultations led to a “Strategic Foundations Paper” that was workshopped at the Superintendents Conferences and the Methodist Conference. Another 300 people from across the Connexion will engage with these strategic foundations at an October 2019 Consultation on Evangelism.

The developed strategy will be presented to the 2020 Conference in Telford for discussion and acceptance. In the meantime, the Evangelism and Growth team is kick-starting some experiments to help the whole Church stretch into a renewed commitment to faith-sharing, growing churches, and starting new Christian communities.

Here are a two ways you can get connected now:

A Mission Plan for Your Church [https://www.methodist.org.uk/our-work/our-work-in-britain/evangelism-growth/changing-growing-churches/mission-planning/]

If your church doesn’t yet have a mission plan, the Mission Planning Toolkit has lots of resources to get you started and to guide you along the way. Mission Planning is a crucial step towards one of our strategic dreams: Every Church Growing.

New Places for New People Grants [https://www.methodist.org.uk/our-work/our-work-in-britain/evangelism-growth/new-places-for-new-people-starting-christian-communities/new-places-for-new-people-grants/]

Are you looking to pioneer something new in your circuit or church? We would like to help you get started, and affirm you as you seek God’s calling, with a “New Places for New People” starter grant. We are looking for projects right at the start of their pioneering journey where £100-£1500 would lift a bit of pressure at that early stage.

Trey Hall, Director of Evangelism and Growth said: “As we prepare to launch a significant strategy change in 2020 around starting new churches, partnering with leaders in the most deprived areas of the country, and raising up a movement of young leaders, we’re excited to announce these micro-grants as a very small sign of the expansive commitment that we hope to make in 2020.”

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