EDI training

This EDI training is to help us live out our commitment to being a church which is inclusive and justice-seeking. We are now committed to life-long learning about the richness of human diversity and to learning from one another. Thanks for your help in putting this into practice.

The training is mandatory for those in particular roles but open to all who wish to participate.

This event is being facilitated particularly for those within the districts of Scotland and Shetland.

Register here:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/715429909117?aff=oddtdtcreator
This will be a led session organised by Forth Valley Circuit.  More details from Eventbrite or Louise McAspurren (Forth Valley Administrator) on forthvalleycircuit@gmail.com

The Dignity of Women

To mark International Women’s Day Religions for Peace, organised by UK Women of Faith Network.

Speakers include

  • the Right Hon. Christina McKelvie, Minister for Equalities and Older People at the Scottish Government;
  • Bonnie Evans-Hills, priest in the Scottish Episcopal Church with considerable experience in inter-religious dialogue and in advocating for asylum seekers/refugees;
  • Ravinder Kaur Nijjar, Chair of RfPUK Women of Faith Network, Sikh Representative on the Scottish Religious Leaders Forum and Vice-Chair of Religions for Peace UK.

Listen to our speakers discuss how their various roles help support the Dignity of Women, women in readership roles, the challenges faced by women and women in religious scriptures.


There will be an opportunity to view the Religions for Peace UK Women of Faith Network’s unique and informative exhibition, ‘The Dignity of Women – Scriptural Reflections’. The exhibition highlights the positive references on the status of women in the Sacred Scriptures of the Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and Zoroastrian Religions.

There will also be a facilitated discussion, encouraging participants to consider how they have been empowered by all that they have seen and heard during the evening.

Arrival and registration from 5.30pm and the event begins promptly with speakers at 6.00pm. Men and women welcome. To book your place, please register using thelink below:



Journeying with New Scots – Building community with refugees and asylum seekers

An ecumenical event, hosted by Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees, together with Faith in Community Scotland and the Church of Scotland,Churches and New Scots from across Scotland will be gathering to worship together, share experiences, grow in knowledge, and strengthen ties as people with a shared passion for creating welcoming communities.

You can sign up for the conference, and see additional details on the Eventbrite page:


The past few years have been an exciting, but also busy and exhausting time for churches accompanying refugees and asylum seekers. We want this event to be a blessing, a space where people will feel supported, encouraged, as well as equipped for the future. We hope you can join us, and if you have any questions please get in touch with  David.Moodie@churchofscotland.org.uk.


From Peru to Mars: 
New Worlds and Jesuit Science

Lecture by Br Guy Consolmagno SJ: Director of the Specola Vaticana and often referred to as the Pope’s

He is world-renowned in his field, a prolific publisher and very much in
demand as a public speaker, so it is a particular pleasure to have him
give the Annual Chaplaincy Lecture 2023.

His theme, from Peru to Mars, is a whistle-stop tour of science through
the ages and sure to be of interest to all who have a curiosity about
science and faith.

The lecture is free and open to the public and will be interpreted into
British Sign Language (BSL).

To attend please register here on Eventbrite:

Open Space@Stirling Methodist Church – Food

It’s back!  After a prolonged Covid-induced break, our Friday evening sessions of conversation and challenge on topical issues will return in the church at 7.30pm on Friday 27th May.  The session will also be available remotely on Zoom.  Our discussion will be on the subject of “food”, and will address issues of food security, sustainability and the cost-of-living.  There will be a speaker (Walter Attwood), Q&A, a film and a time for discussion in small groups.  Please see the attached flyer for more details.  Do come if you can, and please invite your friends.  There will also be some food (biscuits, cakes) and refreshments served during the evening.

The log-in details on Zoom are as follows:


Or you can dial in using the telephone number 0203 9017895
Meeting ID: 835 0900 1286

Passcode: 880767

Faith and the Environment

Stirling Climate Festival

Talk : Faith and the Environment
(organised by Stirling Methodist Church Green Team)

Speaker: The Rev David Coleman
(Chaplain Eco-congregations Scotland)

Tickets for church from wattwood675@gmail.com

To attend via Zoom, here is  the link meeting ID and passcode. No need to register.


Or you can dial in using the telephone number 0203 9017895  Meeting ID: 835 0900 1286   Passcode: 880767

Utilising online platforms for mission

Online Zoom event – Tuesday 7th July 2020 10:00 to 14:00.
led by Ali Johnson, Digital Evangelist at Cliff College.

This is a FREE training day led by Ali Johnson, Digital Evangelist at Cliff College, for those who are interested in developing their knowledge and skills in using social media, websites and lots other platforms for mission!

This training day is not for those beginning to use digital in their church/missional context, but it is for those who are already using social media — those who would like to ‘work smarter’ and advance their skills and knowledge.

Some basic knowledge is needed but it should be accessible for all ministers, administrators and lay workers, as well as volunteers with some digital awareness. As well as develop knowledge of different platforms, it will also help develop awareness of trends, target groups, different contexts and creative ideas for engaging digitally.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/digital-communication-training-tickets-109599212194

Circuit Steward Induction (Day 2) – NOW RESCHEDULED

This Circuit Stewards Training Day was planned for Saturday 18 April 2020  to cover modules 3 and 4 of the course. Due to the safety measures of social distancing and isolation, this course has been rescheduled until after the crisis.

The role of Circuit Steward is one of the key lay ministries in Methodism and so deserves the best support and training possible to do the work effectively.

The new handbook and induction course, along with the Creating Safe Spaces Foundation Module, provide information and learning for new Circuit Stewards but also offer ongoing learning and reflection for existing Circuit Stewards as a means of Continuous Professional Development. Reading materials to accompany this course can be found on the Connexional Website.

There is no charge for this event, and lunch is provided, which will cater for a variety of dietary needs. Please register on Eventbrite. For any further information please contact Lorraine Darlow darlowl@methodistchurch.org.uk