Circuit Steward Induction (Day 2) – NOW RESCHEDULED

This Circuit Stewards Training Day was planned for Saturday 18 April 2020  to cover modules 3 and 4 of the course. Due to the safety measures of social distancing and isolation, this course has been rescheduled until after the crisis.

The role of Circuit Steward is one of the key lay ministries in Methodism and so deserves the best support and training possible to do the work effectively.

The new handbook and induction course, along with the Creating Safe Spaces Foundation Module, provide information and learning for new Circuit Stewards but also offer ongoing learning and reflection for existing Circuit Stewards as a means of Continuous Professional Development. Reading materials to accompany this course can be found on the Connexional Website.

There is no charge for this event, and lunch is provided, which will cater for a variety of dietary needs. Please register on Eventbrite. For any further information please contact Lorraine Darlow

Bible Month Training Day

This is an ONLINE event which participants will be able to engage with from Sat 21st March, and additional materials will be made available in the comming weeks to suppliment resources in preparation for Bible Month in June.

Bible Month is an opportunity for churches to spend 30 days focusing on a single biblical book, and this year it will focus on the beautiful story of Ruth, in all its joys and lows.

In preparation for this, we are excited to be offering a range of resources, including key note talks, to support preachers, worship leaders, Messy Church leaders, small group facilitators, and children and youth leaders. These will help you to consider how you can utilise materials in your context as you prepare for Bible Month, and is an opportunity to develop confidence and skill in engaging with a single biblical book.

For more information about Bible Month visit

Find all the resources to participate in this Online event here.

For more information contact Lorraine Darlow