Strathclyde Circuit


Visit our new web site:  ComeUnity

If you wish to contact a Minister please email:

There is an online service on every Sunday available from 7.00 am  which you can access by the following link:


Reflections on the week’s lectionary Reflection

Andrew Baker’s 5 & 5 here

Strathclyde Circuit has been focusing on Recovery and offers those in recovery support for further information please visit this recovery church site

When you’re shopping why not use the link below to well known retailers, and when you shop via this they will donate straight to the Strathclyde Methodist Circuit Shopping


Information for engaging with young people:

Children, Youth and Family Resources.

Children and Youth

Fischy Music Provides music for families to join in with

Dear Methodist Friends,

You can find a collection of resources for worship on the Scotland District website. Here is the link


History of Methodism in Glasgow Glasgow Methodist Circuit Development

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