Stirling Methodist Church

StirlingextJoin us:

Queen Street

Sunday Worship:

10.30am Sunday

Minister:  Rev. Mary Patterson. For contact details click here.


Stirling Methodist Church is part of the Forth Valley Circuit

The Church at 19-1/2 Queen Street, Stirling is a British Grade B Listed Building.

stirlingintThe Methodist Church in Queen Street, Stirling, Central Scotland, has been here for over 150 years and is today a lively, friendly fellowship. About 80 members plus friends and visitors fill our church with life.

Our members come from all over the British Isles as well as from overseas, and all age groups are represented. There are only three Methodist congregations in the central region of Scotland so our members travel from a wider area than the town of Stirling.

We are delighted to welcome students from Britain and overseas as well as holidaymakers to our church.

What do we stand for?

We believe that we understand God, the world and our place in it, through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

We do not prescribe what you have to believe. We think it is important for each of us to help each other on our journeys of faith, exploring together what it means to be God’s people in this day and age.

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