Saturday Programme for Gathering

9am                         Morning worship 

9:30-10:30am   Keynote session with Deacon Eunice Attwood

10:45 -12noon  Synod for members (other activities on offer for non-Synod members)

1pm                         Gathering lunch.  Soup & sandwiches  – no cost, but please sign up for this.  

2 – 3pm                  Gathering in Groups: a chance to meet with others from around Scotland with a                                                               shared interest/concern.  The groups will be informally facilitated as shown below:  

1. Local Preachers facilitated by David Wilkinson

    A time to reflect on the call and practice of preaching and leading worship – the reality of the challenge, how to address those challenges and how to go forward in hope.

    2. Supernumerary ministers and spouses, ministers’ widows and widowers facilitated by Mark Slaney 

    An opportunity for Supernumerary Ministers, Spouses and widow/ers of Ministers to gather for mutual fellowship and support, expressing hopes and dreams for the Methodist Church in Scotland and discerning God’s particular call upon us in this context.  Tea and biscuits served.

    3. Worship Leaders facilitated by Lorraine Darlow (Learning Network) 

    As we reflect on reality, how is worship enabling others to encounter God?  
    In our varied contexts, how is grief given space as a caring aspect of worship and discipleship?  
    Through the lens of hope, how can worship enable mission and growth?

    4. The Well Community facilitated by Kathryn Campbell (Learning Network)  

    For those who would like to see growth in youth, children and family ministry.  For grandparents, parents, carers, youth volunteers, Sunday school leaders, or anyone who values how we nurture faith in the younger generations. Come, join the chat and get to know others in the district who share your priorities.

    5. Action for Hope facilitated by Hamish Leese, Connexional Action for Hope Implementation Officer  

    The Methodist Church is on a journey to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030 (Action for Hope). This group will offer you the opportunity to connect with others who share a passion for the environment and care about climate change, as well hearing practical steps we can take as a Church.  

    6. Children’s Club facilitated by Emma Williams, Children’s programme leader

    Are you ready to go on an adventure? Come and join us as we see how Jesus met with so many people, told them stories and helped those in need. We will explore how his ministry grew and how he invites us to be one of his friends too.  There will be games, songs, stories, crafts and even some magic.

    • Justice Seekers facilitated by Cameron Lee-Hulme (All We Can)

    What does it look like to be justice-seekers in today’s church and world? Not just in what issues we focus on, but in how we go about it. All We Can have been on a journey exploring the ‘how’ as well as the ‘how much’ of international development.  Let’s explore together what this might look like in Scotland.

    7. Discerning God’s call to mission in Scotland facilitated by Eunice Attwood in the Ballroom

    Take a moment to listen, observe and dream. How are you listening to God. Where do you see God at work around you? How is God inviting you to respond?

    If you would like to attend a group, please email indicating your three choices in preferred order.  (First choices will be given as long as space allows).      

    3:30pm                 Perspectives on growth: a magazine style session with a Bible study led by David Wilkinson,  ‘Church at the margins’ with Eunice Attwood, news from around the district and a panel                                                 discussion.  Followed by…

    5:15pm                  Tea-Time worship led by the children.

    5.30-7:30pm      Free time to find dinner/enjoy Stirling.  

    7:30pm                  Old Scots – New Scots A celebration of the cultural diversity of Scotland. 

    9:00pm                  Night Prayer

    9:30pm                  Film Club: Intelligent Trees 

    For more information about any aspect of the Gathering email

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