Scottish Methodist Gathering 2024

Save the date and make your plans to come to the 2nd Scottish Methodist Gathering which will be held in Stirling from Friday 20th – Sunday 22nd September 2024.

Based at the Golden Lion, the programme includes worship, a ceilidh, conversation, children’s activities, creativity, space to chill and presentations from two excellent guest speakers, Deacon Eunice Attwood (former Vice-President of the Methodist Conference and now the connexional officer for Church at the Margins) and Rev. Professor David Wilkinson, Methodist minister, astro-physicist, broadcaster and author.

Registration will open after Easter – more information is available at any time by emailing the planning group on

Accommodation:   Please note that the Golden Lion has been reserving all its rooms for the Gathering, which is why some people have been told there is no space!  There is plenty of space at present, please book directly with the Hotel (01786 475351) stating that you are coming for the Scottish Methodist Gathering, which will entitle you to a special price!

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