Let’s End Poverty

As part of the Church’s commitment to Justice and Equality the Methodist Church are leading on the campaign ‘Let’s End Poverty’  

Let’s End Poverty is a diverse, growing movement of people united behind a vision for a UK where poverty can’t keep anyone down.

At a recent zoom gathering a range of people from across the country discussed ways to promote the campaign.  

The recently published Joseph Rowntree report on poverty makes stark reading for many in our communities living with austerity due to the decision made by our elected politicians.   We are in a year of a General Election and as part of the campaign people are being asked to contact our MP to raise and address poverty in political debate and future policy making to ensure we elect politicians who have a commitment to ending poverty. 

Sign up through the web site and by using the available resources, taking action and raising our voices we can join forces to end poverty. 

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