Security and counter terrorism for publicly accessible places

The UK Government is introducing Legislation in relation to security and counter terrorism for publicly accessible places. This will directly affect places of worship.

In December 2022, the Home Secretary announced her intention to introduce Martyn’s Law, formerly known as the Protect Duty, as soon as Westminster parliamentary time allows. Martyn’s Law will apply across the whole of the United Kingdom and further information on what is proposed can be found in the factsheet. The legislation will place a statutory requirement on those responsible for certain locations to consider the threat from terrorism and implement appropriate and proportionate mitigation measures in their day to day operations.  It is possible that partners/stakeholders you engage with may be affected.

The Home Office are commencing their stakeholder engagement programme and as part of this, they are hosting a series of webinars which will involve a presentation on Martyn’s Law along with an opportunity for questions and answers.

If for any reason, someone from your organisation is not able to attend these events, we can also request bespoke events. Interest can be registered at the links below.


Places of Worship Thurs 09 March 2023



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